Wednesday, October 12, 2011

oooooo HaLLoWeeN AcTiViTiEs oooooo

It is important to incorporate learning when developing creative fun activites. This activity involves critical thinking skills, coopertive learning and syntax development (putting sentences together.) 

Activity #1 
Make words with the letters in the word Halloween. Here is a PDF of a list of words you can make with the letters in Halloween and a PDF of Halloween word strips for easy cutting. Pair the students and give each pair of students a strip and have them cut the letters out. After completing the making words activity as a class, have students spell many of the words to one another and have them write a word list of their own to share with the class. Then have students come up with 5 sentences together.Download making_wds_halloween_list.PDF
Download making_wds_halloween_strip.PDF

In this activity the student will perform with speed that develops their critical thinking and also reienforces vocabulary.

Activity #2

This should be done as an individual project. Have the students complete this word search the first student who completes it first will win a baby pumpkin gord!!!!